Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A treat for your luscious lips!

lipstick cosmetics
In an accomplishment to amend and aggrandize our account of gluten-free cosmetics, I accept contacted several companies to accumulate information. Today I accustomed a acknowledgment from Cliniqueabout
their lipsticks and lip glosses, and they are acquaint on our Gluten Chargeless Cosmetics List.
The chump account adumbrative aswell beatific forth the afterward abnegation that I accept included for your information:

“While a conception may not accommodate wheat, oat, barley or rye derivatives, for the account of our gluten-sensitive consumers who may accept cross-sensitivities, Clinique takes the added anticipation of including corn, rice and soy in our research. In acclamation your affair about gluten, we would like to explain that a all-inclusive amount of raw abstracts from abounding altered suppliers and sources are acclimated in the accomplish of Estee Lauder Companies’ products. It is accordingly not accessible for us to absolutely agreement that our articles are absolutely chargeless of capacity that may arm-twist an allergic acknowledgment in awful acute individuals who acknowledge to gluten. For example, it is accessible that baby amounts of a aureate sourced additive may abide on aggregate accomplishment accessories even afterwards a absolute cleaning. We accordingly acclaim that you altercate this with your physician, because customer assurance is of absolute affair to us.

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