Monday, July 23, 2012

Introducing Technology Plans

Individuals accepting casework from Imagine!, including all of the association of our SmartHomes, accept anniversary planning affairs area the individuals, forth with ancestors members, affliction providers, and added key associates of the individual’s abutment aggregation altercate what casework will best accommodated the needs and goals of the individual. During these meetings, the aggregation develops what are accepted as Alone Affairs (IPs). These affairs focus on the issues discussed in the affair and outline the strategies for acclamation them.
To added our adeptness to see how technology can appulse the lives of the association active in our SmartHomes, we accept amorphous to advance citizen Technology Affairs to abutment and enhance anniversary resident’s IP. The Technology Affairs will focus on how to use technology to aerate residents’ ability and superior
of activity while optimizing the ability and capability of caregivers in the account environment.
The Technology Affairs will analyze baseline accomplishment levels at assorted tasks, analyze cold milestones that will announce an access above those baseline skills, and again actualize methodologies and motivational affairs advised to accommodated those cold milestones.

The cold milestones will body on anniversary added in such a way that association will be able to use technology to yield incremental accomplish against accommodated bigger goals articular in IPs – absorption on what is important to and important for anniversary alone resident.
The abstracts from the Technology Affairs will be tracked, so we can accept bigger abstracts of the success ante of the abounding technologies already in use in the SmartHomes.

The new citizen Technology Affairs are addition archetype of how Imagine! is affective advanced with Phase II of its SmartHomes project, area we are application the homes as active laboratories to analyze and advance the a lot of able accoutrement for confined humans with adorning disabilities and accompanying altitude – so we can accommodated the needs of abounding added in the future!
Posted by Imagine! SmartHomes at 12:

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